Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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apparatus tools or equipment made for a particular task.
boon something that is a help or benefit.
citation the act of citing or quoting, or the passage or source so cited.
customize to make or change according to the specifications of the customer.
engagement a meeting with someone at a certain time; appointment.
ethical of or concerning moral principles of right and wrong.
inter to bury in a grave or tomb.
premium the exceptional value or esteem accorded something.
rebirth a major recurrence, as of a phenomenon; revival.
restraint the act or process of holding oneself back or holding another back.
succession the act or process of following or coming after something or someone else.
supplement something necessary to complete a whole or make up for a deficiency.
tremor a shaking or trembling.
trend a general course, direction, or tendency.
tycoon a rich, powerful person in business or industry.