Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aesthetic having to do with beauty or art, including literature, dance, music, painting, drawing, and sculpture.
captious inclined to petty criticism; faultfinding.
concomitant existing or happening at the same time as something else, especially as the less important thing or event; accompanying; attendant.
fitful occurring at irregular intervals.
lethargy a state of having very low energy with drowsiness and apathy; lassitude.
moderation the avoidance of excesses or extremes, especially in behavior.
orifice an opening, such as a vent, mouth, or hole, through which something can pass.
pellucid extremely clear in meaning.
recommence to begin or start again.
reimburse to pay back for (expenses or losses incurred).
rudiment (often plural) something in an initial, imperfect, or undeveloped form.
skeptical having or showing doubt; questioning.
superimpose to set or lay on top of or above something.
vehement intensely emotional; impassioned; heated.
witticism a clever, often perceptive joke, insult, or saying.