Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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breathe to take air into and out of the lungs.
forward toward a place or time that is further on or in the future; ahead.
hammer a tool with a heavy metal head on a handle. A hammer is used to hit things such as nails.
luck something that happens by chance.
mild not harsh; gentle.
object anything that has shape or form and can be seen or touched.
orchard a piece of land planted with fruit or nut trees.
rate the speed or pace at which something is done.
ray1 a thin beam of light.
safe providing protection from harm, loss, or damage; not dangerous.
seed the small part of a plant with flowers that grows into a new plant.
sign something that shows a fact, event, or some other thing.
spray water or other liquid flying or falling through the air in fine drops; mist.
tight fastened or shut in a secure way; fixed in place.
zone an area that is separate or different from other areas because of a particular environment, use, or some other special quality.