Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bypass a road that is built to go around a busy area or to avoid something in the way.
characterize to describe the particular character or qualities of; give certain characteristics to.
charter an official document given by a government or ruler to a business or other group. The charter explains the group's rights and responsibilities.
consent to give permission or approval; agree (often followed by "to").
counterpart someone or something that is just like or similar to another.
cylinder a solid figure with a shape similar to that of a can, a round flat cake, or a round tube with closed ends. A cylinder has parallel circular faces joined by one curved face.
forte1 a strong or exceptional point, such as a talent or skill.
intensive highly concentrated in a small space or interval of time.
lengthy tediously long in duration, as a speech.
penetrate to pierce or go into or through.
perceive to become aware of through the senses.
periodic happening or appearing at regular times.
sniper a soldier who shoots at enemy troops from a concealed position.
unnecessary not needed or required.
verify to make sure of the truth or correctness of.