Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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augment to make greater in size or amount; increase.
clique a small, often aggressively exclusive group of friends or associates.
elaboration the act or an instance of adding explanatory material or detail, or the material or detail so added.
energize to inspire, make active, or enliven.
indecisive not definite or conclusive.
influx the act or an instance of flowing in.
innumerable very many.
intemperance lack of restraint in the indulgence of an appetite, especially the consumption of alcohol.
mettlesome spirited or courageous.
notoriety the condition or quality of being widely known or spoken of, especially for something that is not good.
proletariat the working class, especially those who lack capital and must sell their usually unskilled labor in order to survive.
spurious not genuine, authentic, or valid; false.
supremacy ultimate power or authority.
transgression the act or an instance of violating a law, religious commandment, or the like; sin; crime; trespass.
wizened shriveled or dried up.