Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bustle1 to move rapidly and energetically (often followed by "about").
competition the process or act of trying to win.
detest to have a strong dislike for; hate.
device an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks or something else made for a specific purpose.
expense money needed to buy or do something; cost.
flick a sharp, light snap or blow.
mansion a large, grand, expensive home.
necessity a person or thing that is needed.
ogre an ugly giant or monster in folk tales and children's stories. Ogres are said to eat people.
perfume a liquid, made from flowers, herbs, or other substances that has a pleasant smell. Perfume is put on the body.
sabotage secret activity that causes damage to enemy property or causes disturbance to an enemy's operations.
showy bright, colorful, or splendid in appearance.
tread to step or walk on, in, or along.
vessel a hollow container for liquids.
wheeze to breathe with a hoarse or whistling sound.