Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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appease to cause to become calmer by meeting demands.
cuisine a particular type of cooking, especially that of a particular region, or the food in general that is prepared in this way.
deficit The amount by which something is less than what is needed. A deficit of money is caused by spending more than has been taken in.
discontinuous interrupted or intermittent; not without pause or break.
exhilaration intense high spirits.
hubris the pride associated with arrogance; pride considered as sin.
invective strongly abusive or denunciatory speech or language.
irreparable impossible to repair, restore, or rectify.
lieu the place formerly occupied by something or someone.
pitfall an unexpected or hidden danger.
pundit an authoritative, or purportedly authoritative, commentator or critic.
ravish to overwhelm with emotion or sensation; enrapture.
synopsis a short statement giving an overview, the main principles, or the sequence of events of a narrative, argument, article, or the like; summary; abstract.
tithe an amount of money, produce, or goods equal in value to a tenth of one's income, given or paid as a contribution or tax, especially to a church.
wrest to take away with, or as if with, a twist or pull.