Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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contaminate to make dirty, polluted, or not usable by touching or by adding something to.
coordination the working together of different muscles to carry out a complicated movement.
dwell to think, write, or speak about over and over again for a long time (often followed by "on" or "upon").
encore "Once more!"; "Again!"
excessive more than is needed or considered fair; not reasonable.
indication anything that indicates, such as a sign.
leisurely unhurried; slow.
linger to remain or be slow to leave.
petition a formal, written request by many people that is made to a person in authority.
retract to pull back in.
ritual a set of actions always done in the same way, often because of custom or tradition.
sage a very wise person.
speculate to make guesses or wonder about something (often followed by "on" or "about").
stimulus something that causes or increases action, feeling, or thought.
torment a state of great suffering of the body or mind.