Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amnesia partial or complete loss of memory as a result of an injury to the brain, illness, or shock.
autonomous free and independent, as a state or an organism; self-governing.
conventional put in place by custom or use; traditional.
deliberately intentionally or with premeditation.
dispense to give out in portions; distribute.
entice to lure or tempt, as by calling attention to the possible benefits of an action.
girder a heavy beam made of steel or wood used to support the floor or framework of a bridge or building.
gripe (informal) to complain continually; nag; grumble.
impair to lessen the strength or ability of; damage.
jovial very cheerful, friendly, and merry; jolly.
mode a way of doing something.
promote to support the growth of or help move forward.
radical having to do with the root or source; basic; fundamental.
reflex having to do with a response or reaction that is automatic and not controlled by conscious thought.
scandal a reported behavior or event that is illegal or considered morally wrong and which causes strongly negative public reaction.