Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abdicate to officially give up a position of power or a right.
axiom an obvious or generally accepted principle.
chastise to punish, often corporally.
discretion the freedom or authority to use one's own judgment.
fragmentary consisting of fragments; incomplete or disconnected.
indisposed slightly and temporarily ill, as with indigestion or a cold.
irreparable impossible to repair, restore, or rectify.
menial lowly or degrading; servile.
monotony tiresome lack of variation.
negligible so small or unimportant as to be of no account; trifling or insignificant.
resolute having or showing firmness, determination, or resolve.
roil to disturb or anger; agitate.
strident harsh-sounding or loud; raucous; grating.
sycophant one that flatters and fawns over superiors in order to get favors or advance his or her position; toady.
ungainly lacking gracefulness or ease of movement; clumsy; awkward.