Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allege to say or claim to be true without having proof.
behold to see or observe.
comparable nearly the same or equal in degree or quality.
composition the way the parts of something are put together; order or structure.
equivalent the same as or equal to another in force, value, measure, or meaning.
escalate to increase in intensity, scope, or size.
expressive full of feeling or meaning.
gaunt very thin and bony.
harmonic in music, related to chords, or different notes played simultaneously.
hovel a small, uncomfortable, dirty house or hut.
insert to put or cause to be put in, into, or within.
navigate to plan, manage, or control the course of (a ship, aircraft, or the like).
progressive moving steadily forward.
resumption the act or fact of starting again or continuing following a pause or interruption.
startling causing one to move suddenly or involuntarily because loud, sudden, or unexpected.