Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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adventure a trip or activity that is dangerous or exciting.
allergy a reaction of your body to some substance that causes the feeling of illness. Common allergies are to animal hair, dust, pollen, and certain foods such as nuts.
behave to act in a certain way.
bubble a ball of air or other gas inside another substance.
hall a long space in a building that people walk through to go from one room to another.
layer a covering of something that lies over a surface.
nowhere not anywhere; in no place.
passenger a person who is not driving but travels in an automobile, bus, train, or other vehicle.
quit to stop doing something.
razor a tool with a very sharp blade that is used for cutting hair close to the skin.
seal a material or object used to close something tight.
spoil to damage something so that you cannot use or enjoy it.
swallow to cause food to go from the mouth to the stomach.
vacation a period of rest from school, work, or other activities.
yesterday on the day before today.