Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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characteristic something that makes a person or thing different from others.
conventional put in place by custom or use; traditional.
epidemic an outbreak of disease that spreads rapidly to many people in one area.
fluent able to speak or write easily and naturally.
genetics (used with a singular verb) the science that studies how characteristics are passed on from parent to offspring. Genetics is concerned with the influence of genes on the appearance, development, and evolution of plants and animals.
helm a wheel or lever used for steering a ship.
immense very large; huge.
insure to guarantee against loss or harm with an insurance policy.
legislator someone who makes laws.
multitude a large number of people, animals, or things.
objection a statement of not liking or not agreeing with something.
offense the act of breaking a law or rule or doing something wrong; crime; sin.
rebellious unwilling to accept one's situation or submit to the will of others.
subordinate lower in rank or importance; secondary.
terrain land or ground, or the natural characteristics of its surface.