Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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average a usual amount or kind; something that is not outside the ordinary.
blunder a silly or careless mistake.
mime to act or portray with hand and body gestures only.
pad a piece of soft material used as cushioning for protection or comfort.
probably quite likely; almost certainly.
realistic tending to see things as they really are; practical.
ridiculous silly; foolish; laughable.
seize to take hold of in a quick, forceful way; grab.
seldom not often; rarely.
slang very informal speech that is made up of new words, or new meanings of old words. Slang is not appropriate for serious conversation or writing.
tourist a person who is travelling for pleasure.
well-known famous; familiar.
whiff a faint smell carried on the air.
whirl to turn or spin quickly on a central point.
youth the quality or state of being young.