Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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briefly in a way that is not lengthy; for a short time.
communicate to make known.
example something that shows what a group of things is like.
glimpse a quick look.
instructor one who teaches or instructs; a teacher.
ornament something that is added to make something more beautiful to look at; decoration.
prepare to make ready.
reduce to make less in amount or size.
reluctance a state of unwillingness or disinclination, often arising from uncertainty or doubt.
salute to show respect by raising the right hand to the forehead.
slim attractively thin in form; slender.
survey the collecting of information on a particular subject from a small portion of the public.
totter to sway or rock as if about to fall.
verse poetry or a poem.
vocalist one who sings, especially a professional singer of popular music.