Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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admonish to warn or caution.
aggrandize to make, or cause to appear, grander in wealth, stature, power, or influence; exalt.
archetype an original model or pattern from which others are made or copied.
aristocracy a class of people who have a high social position because of the family they are born into. Members of the aristocracy are usually richer and have more privileges than other members of society.
clinch to make certain or final; settle.
defeatist characterized by an acceptance or expectation of failure.
detriment harm, injury, or loss.
fragility the condition of being delicate and easily broken.
gainsay to deny or contradict.
grandiose pretentious or pompous.
heresy a religious belief or doctrine not in keeping with the established doctrine of a church, especially the rejection of or dissent from any aspect of Roman Catholic Church dogma by a baptized church member.
marginal barely above a minimum standard of quality.
permissive allowing much, often excessive, freedom of behavior; lenient.
solemnity the condition or quality of being grave or serious.
turbid clouded or murky because of stirred-up particles or sediment; muddy.