Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bribery the act of offering or giving something to a person as a way of getting that person to do a certain thing.
character all those things that make a person, place, or thing different from others.
descend to move downward or to a lower position.
diagnose to determine the identity of (a disease) by examination.
documentary a film that explores real facts and events and often includes photographs or short videos of the events as they happened.
erosion wearing away of the earth's surface by wind or water.
feedback the giving back of opinions, corrections, or other comments from people who have been presented with something like a product, process, or event.
gene a tiny section of a chromosome. A gene causes a particular characteristic, such as eye color or hair color, to be passed on from parent to offspring.
laughter the act or sound of laughing.
mast a long upright pole that rises from the bottom of a sailboat or ship to support the sails and lines.
personal relating to or belonging to a particular person, and often not for other people to share or see.
preserve to protect from being hurt or harmed.
serious marked by careful thinking or consideration.
thorn a short, stiff point on a plant stem or branch.
whiten to make or become white.