Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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borne past participle of "bear1" with meaning connected with carrying, supporting, or enduring.
botany the science that studies plants. Botany is a branch of biology.
brawl a noisy fight or argument.
bypass a road that is built to go around a busy area or to avoid something in the way.
cease to stop or come to an end.
component a part of something.
cylinder a solid figure with a shape similar to that of a can, a round flat cake, or a round tube with closed ends. A cylinder has parallel circular faces joined by one curved face.
entrust to hand over to for the care or protection of.
fugitive a person who is escaping or running away.
indulgence the act of yielding to or gratifying a desire or appetite.
medieval of, or having to do with the Middle Ages.
meditation sustained thought or self-forgetful concentration, especially for the purposes of religious devotion or relaxation.
revelation the act of revealing.
shortage an amount that is less than is needed; lack.
simplicity the condition or quality of being easy to understand or do.