Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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association a group of people joined together for a common purpose or by a shared interest.
deadline a date or time by which something must be done.
disappoint to fail to do or give something expected or hoped for.
emphasis special importance.
faint weak or slight.
fiction writing that tells a story made up in a writer's imagination. Fiction is usually written in prose, not poetry. Novels, short stories, and tales are pieces of fiction.
maroon2 to leave on an island or coast, far from other people; abandon.
overrule to rule or decide against.
persist to continue in a firm, steady way without stopping or lessening.
seller one who sells.
slight small in amount or degree.
stake1 a sharpened or pointed post that is driven into the ground. Stakes can be used to mark a place or to support something.
tactic a technique or maneuver used for achieving a goal, especially in battle.
textile cloth made by weaving or knitting.
youngster a young person; child.