Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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augment to make greater in size or amount; increase.
decimation the act of destroying a large part or number of something.
disconcert to upset the calm or self-assurance of; ruffle.
duplicitous deceitful, treacherous, or double-dealing.
embody to put in a form that can be seen; make real.
grievous causing emotional or physical suffering; painful.
idealism the pursuit of or belief in noble ideals, principles, and values.
implode to violently collapse or compress inward.
invocation the act or process of calling out to a god, muse, or the like, for help, support, or inspiration.
malevolent wishing or doing evil to others; ill-willed; malicious.
mote a fine particle of dust; speck.
pestilence an epidemic, usually deadly, disease; plague.
propaganda information or opinions that are made public to promote or attack a movement, cause, or person.
tempestuous characterized by disturbance or commotion; stormy; turbulent.
virile having the qualities of a man; characteristically masculine.