Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amenable willing to respond, agree, or submit; agreeable; pliable.
dowdy1 not at all stylish; shabby or dull.
entomology the science concerned with insects.
equinox either of the two times during the year when the sun's rays are perpendicular to the earth's equator, occurring in March and September. During the equinox, day and night are both 12 hours long all over the world.
facilitate to make less difficult; help in the doing of.
fatuous smugly foolish or stupid.
fickle quickly changing without reason or warning, especially in affection or allegiance; variable or capricious.
grandiloquence speech that is pretentious, pompous, or excessively mannered.
interplay the action or influence of two or more things on each other; reciprocal effect.
lethal intended to cause or capable of causing death or extreme harm; deadly.
notoriety the condition or quality of being widely known or spoken of, especially for something that is not good.
realign to come to a new relationship or set of alliances, as countries or political factions.
solicitous anxiously or tenderly concerned or attentive (usually followed by about, of, or for.)
traverse to go over, along, or through; cover or cross.
unassailable not open to attack, doubt, or denial.