Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aspire to want strongly; have as an aim (usually followed by to or after).
delegation a group of people chosen to speak or act for others.
embed to set firmly in some surrounding material.
ensemble a group of performers, such as actors or musicians, who perform together.
hazard danger or risk.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
liberal generous.
maintenance the act of taking care of or keeping in good condition.
miscellaneous made up of many different kinds.
notable worthy of special attention; remarkable.
organism an individual living thing, such as a plant, an animal, or a germ.
pregnancy the condition in a female human or animal in which the body is developing new life and preparing to give birth.
robust strong, healthy, and full of energy.
transcribe to write or type a copy or full version of (something dictated or heard, shorthand notes, or the like).
wrongheaded contrary to sound judgment.