Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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assertive forward or aggressive in speech or action.
autobiography the story of a person's life written or told by that person.
exceed to go beyond or do more than.
exterior on or having to do with the outside; outer.
ghetto a part of a town or city in which people of a particular race or religion are forced by law to live.
lapse a slight failure to meet some accepted standard.
maturity the state of being fully grown or developed.
migration the act or process of moving to another region to live, especially in a group.
pathetic causing feelings of pity or sorrow.
provoke to make angry, annoyed, or emotional; bring to action.
reckon to count or estimate; figure.
spatial of, relating to, or occurring in space.
termination the act or an instance of ending, or the fact or condition of being ended.
treacherous betraying or likely to betray trust; false.
visionary a person with a unique capability to predict what will become important in the future.