Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apology a statement that one is sorry for something.
charity something given to a person or persons in need.
comrade a close friend who shares one's main interests.
container something, such as a box, barrel, or can, that holds or can hold something else.
customer a person who buys products or services.
expedition a journey taken for a reason, or a group taking such a trip.
frontier a border between two countries, or the area nearby on either side.
grid parallel horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form squares of equal size. Grids are used to locate points on a map or to make diagrams.
inspect to look at very carefully to find any problems.
lash1 a whip or the striking part of a whip.
persist to continue in a firm, steady way without stopping or lessening.
protest an expression of being against something; objection; complaint.
spiral curving or circling around a fixed point but moving farther away or nearer to it.
sympathy kind understanding and concern for others when they are sad, suffering, or having trouble.
whiff a faint smell carried on the air.