Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cove a small bay in a shoreline of a sea, lake, or river.
lumber1 logs cut into boards or beams for use in building.
magnificent very grand in size or splendid in beauty.
mount1 to climb.
pal (informal) a fairly close friend.
prescription an order written by a doctor for medicine to treat a patient.
preserve to protect from being hurt or harmed.
reward something of value that is promised to someone for good work or a good deed.
siphon a tube or pipe used to suck a liquid over the top of its container and into a lower one by means of air pressure.
storage a place for keeping or holding things while they are not being used.
tramp to walk with heavy steps.
transfer the act of moving something from one person or place to another.
wheeze to breathe with a hoarse or whistling sound.
whip to strike or beat with quick, repeated strokes with a long, thin strap, or a rod.
whole having the entire amount or length.