Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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campfire an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth while camping.
dance to move the feet and body to music.
diver a person who works under water, using special clothing and equipment for breathing.
dream an event in which changing pictures or images come into your mind as you sleep.
fact something known or proved to be true.
flesh the soft parts of the human or animal body that lie between the skin and the bones. Flesh includes muscle and fat.
horrible causing a feeling of fear or horror.
late happening after the usual or expected time.
okay all right; satisfactory, acceptable.
rim the edge or border of something round or circular.
scrape to rub with something sharp or rough.
suitcase a box used for carrying clothing and personal things when traveling.
tool a thing that is used to help a person do work and that is usually held with the hands.
victory success in a game or war.
voice the sound that comes from your mouth when you speak or sing.