Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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apathy lack of interest or feeling.
equivocate to express oneself ambiguously, often to avoid giving a direct answer or to deceive.
fabricate to construct or create.
hallow to respect or honor highly; venerate.
impudence the act or condition of being boldly disrespectful; insolence.
indictment the act of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury, or the condition of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury.
laity the body of members of a religious group who are not part of the clergy.
nonconformity refusal or failure to adjust one's behavior and actions to accord or comply with societal customs, values, or the like.
perceptual of, relating to, or involving perception.
perseverance steadfast continuance in a course of action, task, or belief.
prevalent generally accepted; pervasive; widespread.
revert to return to a previous state, practice, belief, or the like.
tenacity the quality or condition of holding on strongly or persistently to something.
testy easily annoyed or angered; irritable; touchy.
waif a child without a home or friends.