Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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banquet a fancy, formal dinner.
clumsy without physical grace or control; awkward.
dangle to hang or swing loosely.
dramatic of or having to do with the theater and plays.
everyday happening daily; routine.
figure a number or other written symbol that is not a letter of the alphabet.
growth the process of becoming larger through natural development.
machinery machines in general.
occasion an event or the time at which it happens.
punctual on time; prompt.
quality a feature that makes a person or thing what it is.
secure to make a place safe from unwanted entrance or attack.
sweeten to cause to be sweet or sweeter in taste.
unison (used with "in") speaking all at the same time, or singing at the same time in the same pitch.
vegetation plants or plant life in a particular place.