Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abrasion a spot or patch that has been scraped, as on the skin.
bleak bare, cold, or not protected from the weather.
civil having to do with citizens or the general population.
conduit a channel, ditch, or pipe used to convey water or other liquid.
contradict to say the opposite of; deny the truth of.
flux a state of continuous change or movement.
incidental happening or likely to happen concurrently or in connection with something else but as a subordinate or less important element.
jeer to remark in a loud, mocking, abusive manner.
mirage an illusion in which something is seen in the distance but is not really there.
outbreak a sudden breaking out or increase in activity of disease.
quay a pier, wharf, or other landing place for loading and unloading boats or ships.
radiation the waves of energy sent out by sources of heat or light, or by radioactive material.
sham an imitation that is passed as genuine; counterfeit.
subsidize to provide financial assistance for; support with money.
toxin any poisonous substance that is produced by living cells or living organisms.