Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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delimit to define or mark the boundaries of; demarcate.
derogatory having the purpose or effect of detracting; disparaging.
diverge to extend or move away in different directions from a common point.
douse1 to place or plunge in water or another liquid; immerse.
immobility the state or condition of not moving or being motionless.
intemperance lack of restraint in the indulgence of an appetite, especially the consumption of alcohol.
paean a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise.
pestilence an epidemic, usually deadly, disease; plague.
presumption a belief that is taken for granted but not proved.
redouble to make twice as great; renew more vigorously; intensify.
sedition actions or speech intended or serving to create rebellion against a government.
somnolent sleepy or drowsy.
tawdry falsely showy; cheap and gaudy.
unnoticed not seen, perceived, or discovered.
venal capable of acting dishonestly or wrongly in return for money or the like; open to accepting bribes; corrupt.