Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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canal a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops.
colony a place where a group of people come to settle which is under the control of their home country.
constantly continuously; without ever stopping.
dissect to cut open or apart in order to examine.
embroider to make or decorate with needlework.
emigrant one who leaves a country to live in another.
explosion the act of bursting or the noise made by bursting.
handful the amount that can be held in a single hand.
impression a belief or a feeling that is created at the beginning of an experience.
meddle to take part in matters that concern someone else, without being asked; interfere.
pal (informal) a fairly close friend.
partnership a relationship based on a shared activity or goal.
protest an expression of being against something; objection; complaint.
surpass to be greater or larger than; go beyond.
ware (usually plural) a thing or things offered for sale.