Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amorphous lacking definite form, shape, or character.
archetype an original model or pattern from which others are made or copied.
auditory having to do with or referring to hearing or the sense of hearing.
beneficiary one who receives or is formally designated to receive money or property, as from a will or insurance policy.
curtail to make shorter; cut off part of.
defeatist characterized by an acceptance or expectation of failure.
facet one of the small, flat, polished surfaces of a cut gem.
impart to give all or a part of; bestow or transmit.
periphery the outer boundary or edge of an area or surface, or the region directly inside or outside of this.
protuberance that which projects; bulge or bump.
refraction the bending of rays or waves of light, heat, sound, or the like when passed obliquely from one medium to another with a different rate of transmission.
servitude bondage or slavery.
slacken to decrease activity, strength, speed, intensity, or the like.
sobriety abstinence from alcohol; temperance.
sundry of various kinds; miscellaneous.