Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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airport a large area of land where airplanes come and go.
bundle a number of things that you tie or wrap together so you can carry them.
camp to set up a temporary shelter, such as a tent.
collection a group of things of the same type that someone has brought together.
court a place where legal matters are heard.
dock1 a raised, flat surface that is built out into the water.
game something done for fun or amusement; play.
lucky resulting from or having good fortune.
material anything used for building or making new things. Wood, metal, paint, and paper are examples of materials.
medical having to do with the study or practice of medicine.
nighttime the time between sunset and dawn.
ray1 a thin beam of light.
shut to close by moving something that covers an opening.
tale a story.
trade to give in return for something else; exchange.