Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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aid to give help to someone.
ax a tool with a blade attached to the end of a long handle. An ax is used for chopping wood.
dairy a business that makes and sells milk, butter, and cheese.
dance to move the feet and body to music.
decide to consider the possibilities and choose what is best.
equipment anything made for a particular use. Jobs and sports often require special equipment.
fond having or showing feelings of love.
giant an imaginary being who looks like a person but has enormous size and strength.
gym a short form of gymnasium.
hunter a person who tries to find and kill animals for food.
invite to ask in a polite way to go somewhere or do something.
join to put, bring, or fasten together.
lucky resulting from or having good fortune.
phone a short form of telephone.
pitch1 the throw of a baseball by the pitcher toward the batter, who tries to hit it.