Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abduct to carry off or lead away by force; kidnap.
abhor to regard with intense loathing or horror; detest.
cipher a system that substitutes letters and symbols for the letters and symbols contained in a written message in order to conceal its meaning; code.
deplete to lessen drastically; exhaust.
hierarchy a body of persons or entities graded according to rank or level of authority.
inexpensive low or moderate in cost.
interpretation the act or process of explaining or understanding the meaning of something.
kernel the most basic part of something; the heart of the matter; core.
lunar of or having to do with the moon.
presumably judging by what may reasonably be guessed or predicted.
pun a humorous play on words based on two words that are close in sound but different in meaning.
separation the act of dividing or keeping apart or the condition of being kept apart.
solidify to make firm or hard.
transmission the act of sending or carrying from one person, place, or thing to another.
virtual not actually being true or real, but seeming to be, or having the same result as if true or real.