Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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boost to raise to a higher position by pushing from below.
confide to share secrets or personal information (usually followed by "in").
cripple to cause a serious injury in.
discussion the act or an instance of talking or writing about something.
enchant to put under a magic spell; bewitch.
exhaust the smoke or gas given off by an engine.
globe the world; planet Earth.
heighten to make higher.
mound a raised pile; heap.
omit to leave out; not include.
prejudice an opinion that is formed without knowing or considering all the facts.
respectable displaying good breeding, manners, or character.
rugged having a surface that is rough and broken.
soothe to make less angry, pained, or distressed; calm or comfort.
succeed to have a good or favorable result; do well.