Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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align to place or arrange in a straight line.
annex to add or attach to something larger.
consult to look to for advice or information.
dissatisfy to fail to meet the expectations of; disappoint.
equine of or similar to a horse.
expansion the act or process of expanding, or the condition of being expanded.
foolproof always successful or effective.
heroic noble and courageous.
hormone a substance made by certain cells in the body. Hormones move around the body in the blood and have effects on certain organs and cells. Hormones help control body processes such as growth.
indignant feeling or showing anger about something considered to be unfair or without value.
insulate to cover, line, or surround with a material that reduces or stops the movement of heat, electricity, or sound.
nausea a sick feeling in the stomach with the need to vomit.
norm a model or standard, especially one that is generally accepted or followed.
quarry a large open hole or pit dug for mining stone, marble, gravel, or the like.
scoff to laugh at, mock, or criticize scornfully (often followed by "at").