Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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behind in or at the back of; on the other side of.
camera a device for making photographs.
cheer happy or good feelings.
clay a kind of wet earth that becomes hard when you heat it. You use clay to make bricks, pots, and other things.
event something that happens, especially an important thing that happens.
fable a short tale that teaches a lesson. The characters in fables are often animals who speak and act like people.
gulf a large area of ocean partly surrounded by land.
kitchen a room where people cook and store food.
lack the condition of being without something that is needed.
meaning the message that is understood or intended when someone uses a word.
past all of the time before now.
praise to speak well of.
slow not moving fast or not able to move fast.
snow small, soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky like rain.
thought1 the result of thinking; a single idea.