Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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apparatus tools or equipment made for a particular task.
ascend to go upward; climb; rise.
comply to do what is asked or demanded; act in agreement with a rule (sometimes followed by "with").
comprise to be made up of; consist of.
consciousness the physical condition of being awake and aware.
considerable large in size or amount.
distaste dislike or repugnance.
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform.
folly a lack of good sense or judgment.
girder a heavy beam made of steel or wood used to support the floor or framework of a bridge or building.
gluttonous inclined to eat excessively; voracious.
indulgence the act of yielding to or gratifying a desire or appetite.
perceive to become aware of through the senses.
perspective the way things are seen from a particular point of view.
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.