Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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criticize to judge what is good or bad in.
crucial very important; deciding the success or failure of something.
din a loud, steady noise.
disclosure the act or process of making known, uncovering, or exposing.
garment any piece of clothing.
hospitable open and receptive.
hue a particular color, such as sky blue; shade.
mosaic a picture or design made with many small colored pieces of glass, tile, or stone. These pieces are fitted together and cemented into place.
narrator a person or character who tells a story.
negotiable subject to discussion and revision, as terms in an agreement or contract.
optimum the situation, quantity, degree, or other condition that is most desirable.
oust to force out; expel.
publicity information given out through the media that gets the attention of the public.
suffuse of a color, liquid, or the like, to spread throughout or across the surface of.
yoke a pair of draft animals joined by this device.