Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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adult having grown up.
carefully with thought and attention or caution about what one is doing.
cozy warm and snug in a comfortable way.
hammer a tool with a heavy metal head on a handle. A hammer is used to hit things such as nails.
jet an airplane with engines that give off a flow of heated gases to cause forward movement.
lump a small mass or pile with no special shape; hunk.
patrol the act of guarding by making regular trips through.
prize a reward given to the person who wins something.
rifle a gun that has a long barrel and that is shot from the shoulder.
scissors a tool used for cutting. Scissors have two blades that are joined in the middle.
sell to give something to someone in exchange for money.
television a piece of electronic equipment that receives sound and moving images that are sent from a long distance. Many people can watch the same programs on television at the same time.
thank to tell someone who has given you something or done something for you that you value their gift or action; to express your appreciation.
ticket a small piece of paper that shows that you have paid for something.
umbrella a device that protects you from the rain. It has cloth stretched over a wire frame that is held up by a long handle.