Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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advise to give advice to; recommend.
bless to make holy by religious ritual.
character all those things that make a person, place, or thing different from others.
courtroom a room in which legal cases are heard before a judge.
filthy very dirty or foul; nasty.
haste speed or hurry.
medicinal of, pertaining to, or having healing powers; curative.
participant a person who joins in or becomes involved in something.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
receive to get or take.
recognize to identify (someone or something) from previous experience or contact with that person or thing.
sensor a device that detects and responds to certain changes in the environment, such as light, temperature, sound, or pressure.
separate not connected or not attached.
testimony a statement made under oath before a judge in a court of law.
virus a tiny organism that can reproduce only in living cells. Viruses cause disease in humans, animals, and plants.