Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affectation falseness or superficiality of appearance or behavior; pretense.
curvature the condition of being bent or rounded.
dissociate to sever a mental connection between; separate.
impeccable flawless or blameless; perfect.
inhibit to hold back, restrain, prevent, or tend to do so.
knave an unscrupulous person; evildoer.
limpid perfectly clear; transparent.
pedantry the act or practice, or an instance, of flaunting one's learnedness or of being overly insistent on scholarly formalities or details.
prude someone who is extremely or overly concerned with modesty or proper conduct, speech, dress, or the like.
quibble an unimportant, petty, or trivial disagreement or objection.
rarefy to make less dense.
reprieve to release (someone) temporarily or permanently from planned or impending punishment, pain, or difficulty.
staid formal, solemn, and reserved in character.
supercilious showing an arrogant disregard, as a look, manner, or person.
tentative not yet fully developed or definitely decided; provisional.