Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cadaverous of or resembling a corpse; pale and thin or emaciated.
disaffect to cause to lose affection for, loyalty to, or contentment in an idea, a person, or an organization such as a government; alienate.
dogged persistent or stubborn.
embalm to treat (a corpse) with preservatives before burial.
felon1 a person who has committed a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or burglary, as opposed to a misdemeanor.
inconsistency an instance of contradiction or illogic.
naysayer a person who refuses, denies, or opposes, especially because of cynicism or pessimism.
ornamentation decoration; embellishment.
profess to claim or state as true.
psychiatrist a medical doctor who treats people with mental and emotional illnesses.
stalwart steady and loyal; reliable.
totality the state or quality of being total.
ubiquitous being or appearing to be in all places at the same time; omnipresent.
utopia (often capitalized) an imagined or proposed place or society that is ideal, especially in its laws, ethics, and treatment of humanity.
vintage a class of objects produced during a certain era or year.