Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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clench to close tightly shut.
copper a reddish brown metal that is one of the chemical elements. Copper is used to make pipes, because it does not easily rust. It is used to make wires, because it is an excellent conductor of electricity. It can be combined with other metals to make alloys such as brass and bronze.
digest to break down into materials that can be absorbed and used by the body.
divorce to use the law to bring an end to a marriage with (someone).
fraction a part or very small part of a whole.
invade to enter as an enemy, by force, in order to conquer or plunder.
margin an edge or the area near it; border.
receptacle a container for receiving and keeping something.
roost a perch on which birds rest or sleep, or a place containing such perches.
skim to remove from the surface of a liquid, or to clear the surface of by removing fat or other floating matter.
sneer a look on the face that expresses scorn or lack of respect.
unless except on the condition that.
virtue right action or thoughts; goodness.
vocalist one who sings, especially a professional singer of popular music.
width the length of something from one side to the other.