Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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boredom the state of being bored or of not feeling interested.
clause a group of words that has a subject and a verb. Clauses can be part or all of a sentence.
conformity accordance or compliance with a standard or norm.
contraption (informal) a mechanical device, sometimes of odd design or construction; gadget.
convict to find guilty of a crime.
conviction the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime.
futile unlikely to produce or incapable of producing a desired result; ineffective; useless.
mar to damage or spoil, especially on the surface or face, but not severely.
nestle to lie close or curled next to.
parch to make very dry by heating.
plush a type of cloth having long, soft, thick fibers.
predictive indicating future events.
renown wide honor and acclaim; fame.
spectrum a band of colors that is formed when light is passed through a prism, or in some other way. The six colors of a spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
temperate having neither extremely hot nor extremely cold temperatures and mild weather.