Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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discernment the ability to keenly perceive and judge.
excerpt a short section taken from a play, film, or written work.
forfeit something demanded or given up as a penalty for not acting as required by law, contract, or rules.
gale a strong wind of about thirty to sixty miles per hour.
gape to stare in surprise, awe, or wonder, especially with the mouth open.
isolation the act of setting apart, or the state of being set apart from other things or people.
jaunty having a light manner; lively and confident.
manageable capable of being handled or controlled.
participate to take part; share (usually followed by "in").
sanitary free from things that can cause infection; clean; sterile.
streamline to alter so as to make simpler or more efficient, compact, or up-to-date.
symbolic acting as a symbol (often followed by "of").
taboo forbidden.
tamper to meddle in something when one is not asked, and so change or damage it (usually followed by "with").
transmission the act of sending or carrying from one person, place, or thing to another.