Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allegedly according to what has been claimed although not proven.
brochure a small booklet or pamphlet, especially one that contains pictures and is used for advertising purposes.
chaff the husks separated from grain by threshing.
charitable generous in donations or benevolent actions for needy persons.
continuation an extension.
contrast to compare in order to make differences clear.
deprecate to disparage or treat as having small value; depreciate.
encrusted covered with a hard or crisp layer of something.
foster to aid and encourage the growth or development of.
hearth the floor of a fireplace, or the stone or brick area in front of it.
inconsistent not following a regular pattern; variable.
proposal a suggested plan.
snob a person who admires and imitates people of a high social or intellectual class. Snobs act or feel superior to anyone of a lower class.
sullen silently showing anger.
vagabond having no permanent home; wandering from place to place; nomadic.