Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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charge to give a responsibility or duty to.
control to use power to manage or command.
employee someone who works for a person or business in return for pay.
grave1 a hole dug in the ground where a dead body is buried.
income the money received for work or from property that is owned.
invention the act or process of coming up with or creating something new.
meantime the time that is in between.
plunge to thrust into something soft or liquid.
sadden to make or become unhappy or unhappier.
sleek smooth or shiny.
sly devious or not to be trusted.
stout having physical strength; sturdy; thick.
transfer the act of moving something from one person or place to another.
transform to change the form, look, or shape of.
tunnel an underground or underwater passage created so that people or vehicles can go through it.