Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achieve to do or carry out successfully; accomplish.
assessment a judgment or evaluation.
capability the quality of being skilled or able; ability.
costly having a high price or value.
crouch to lower the body close to the ground by bending the legs. A cat about to pounce crouches, as does a person getting ready to run in a race.
disabled unable to do certain things because of a medical condition or an accident.
divorce to use the law to bring an end to a marriage with (someone).
echo the repeating of a sound caused by the bouncing of sound waves from a surface.
frail weak or sickly.
novel2 new and unusual.
nursery a room where babies or young children sleep or play.
peer2 to look hard or closely to see something better.
poet a person who writes poetry.
scum a layer of waste matter that forms on the surface of a liquid.
series a group of related things that come one after another.